Alexander Plekhanov

SACLOS: Skew-Axis Cylinder Lens Optical System for Astigmatism Testing and Method of Its Use Involving Direct Patient Feedback
Alexander Plekhanov

Alexander Plekhanov


Grade: 11

Portland, OR

Year Inducted: 2022


Astigmatism is a vision defect affecting 1/3 of the world. If you have ever gone to an optometrist, you know the procedure for its testing: lenses are swapped in front of your eye, and you need to choose between two options, again and again. This century-old procedure is suboptimal, frustrating, and often inaccurate. I invented a novel optical apparatus (SACLOS), an approach that emphasizes subjective perception and intuitive action, allowing a patient to determine the parameters of corrective glasses themselves using a device as simple as a computer mouse. This allows for quicker, easier, cheaper, and more accurate astigmatism optometry.

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Video Summary (2 minutes)