Micah Toll

Rebuilding Lives in Post-Catastrophic Disaster and War Torn Areas – A New Technology for Portable Constructional Elements and Their Production and Use as a Comprehensive Solution System to Improve Disaster Response, Relief and Recovery Efforts

Micah Toll

Lebanon, PA
Age 18

A new technology for foam core stress skin beams, panels, pipes, and other derivative constructional elements has been developed for application to pro providing rapid deployment shelters, floating rescue gurneys, and other relief and rebuilding structures for third world and refugee populations. The new constructional elements met all engineering goals: low costs; strong; light-weight; water-proof; economical transportability; easy on-site completion; effective for building multiple types of structures by local unskilled persons and without power tools, nails, or glue; and easily adapted to varying designs that are culturally sensitive to the target populations.

Comic Art - Micah Toll