Stanley Chiang

Fabrication of Novel Superconducting Josephson Junctions to Couple Multiple Flux States of a Quantum Bit

Stanley Chiang

Great Neck, NY
Age 18

The Quantum bit (qubit) is the fundamental unit of a theoretical quantum computer that is exponentially faster than classical computers. Currently, individual qubits have been fabricated, but there is no mechanism to couple qubits so that they can act in unison as in the case of the quantum computer. This experiment fabricated novel planarized Josephson junctions of a tunable transformer that is theoretically capable of coupling qubits. The junctions were made from the superconductor Niobium (Nb), and were measured in liquid helium at 4.2 K. Results indicate that the junctions are suitable for the transformer and could eventually serve as part of the quantum computer.

Comic Art - Stanley Chiang