"Mobile Gardens" is a world hunger project that invites innovators to design a sustainable food garden that is portable, meets varied needs of regions and climates, and utilizes locally sourced materials. The goal is to provide highly nutritious food to populations in crisis.
Many regions of the world experience challenges for food production due to war, famine, poverty, lack of resources and other extreme conditions. A H.O.M.E. garden can be easily moved from place to place, even to find more suitable growing conditions within the day. This concept is beneficial for any community, from urban to very remote and can be adapted to the specific requirements of the areas.
The pilot program, completed by students in Ohio, is one idea. But by encouraging innovators around the world, the idea can be adapted to provide one healthful, economic solution to the hunger crisis.
Mobile Gardens can be created by individuals, small groups, or large organizations. Presented with the challenge to build a lightweight, portable growing space, caring designers may build this or any other solution that meets the needs of a community in crisis.
We encourage all creative problem-solvers to invent a device that can be moved easily over differing terrain or in environments with various limitations. Mobile Gardens are meant to be quickly moved as needed and yet provide an economical choice for growing. We encourage the use of locally sourced materials, even recycled items!
These Mobile Gardens may be given, free-of-charge, to organizations or communities who suffer from challenges in their living conditions.
Thanks to students from Edge Academy, Seibring Schools, Hudson City Schools, Stow-Munroe Falls Schools, and Old Trail. You did great work to help others!
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