Robert A. Ferguson
Catoosa, OK
Whitney Middle School
Grades: 6-8
Special Education; Multi-handicapped; deaf & blind
Taught in the 80's, 90's to present
Registered by: Rita Kukurka on November 21, 2005
I have known Mr. Ferguson for many years in several capacities; as a leader of cadets in Civil Air Patrol, a teacher in public schools, at teacher in the Starbase program, a worker for numerous civic organizations, and a military veteran leader. He has demonstrated exceptional merit in each area despite tremendous physical problems... The most important things I've seen are the miracles he has done in the classroom. He has taught the unteachable, the incorrigible, and the most seriously disabled. I have seen the white shirt with the mascara and tear stains he keeps in his closet from a mother whose son was never expected to learn and is now in regular classes. This mother died a few years ago, and I wish I Could do her justice in her story.