Competitions and Programs

National Museum of Education - Energy Camp

Competitions and Programs

Past and Present


Innovative program for training teachers and students in the invention process...

Role and Function: Designed, Organized & Implemented the trademarked name; wrote training sessions for teachers; sponsored satellite office in New York; more in progress

Number of Years: 9 years and ongoing

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Student Ideas for a Better America™

With grateful and loving honor, we announce the new "W.I.S.E. Award" in the Student Ideas for a Better America™ program:   "Frances O. Williamson Inventions in Science Education".

The National Museum of Education is looking for creative students (PreK-12+College)!

Enter any idea for a new way to demonstrate an educational concept, an idea for a new product, or an improvement for an existing product or procedure. Monetary prizes are awarded each month! This is an ongoing contest and there is no deadline!

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Student Ideas for a Better America™



BubbleWrap® Competition for Young Inventors
BubbleWrap® Competition for Young Inventors


Sponsored by the Sealed Air Corporation

Role and Function: Designed, Created, Administered & Provided Semi-Finalist Judging

Number of Years: 4 Years

Winners Gallery: Congratulations to these winners! 


Motorola - Students Innovate for a Better America Competition©

Role and Function: Designed, Created, Administered & Judged

Number of Years: 1

Winners Gallery: Congratulations to these winners!

Students Innovate for a Better America Competition©



Shearer's: Shearer Perfection Student Contest
Shearer Perfection Student Contest


Role and Function: Designed, Created, Administered & Judged

Number of Years: 1

Winners Gallery: Congratulations to these winners!


Innovation Rocket Camp

Role and Function: Designed, Organized & Implemented

Number of Years: 6


Innovation Rocket Camp


Marine Quest 1492
Marine Quest 


Role and Function: Designed, Collaborated, Organized & Implemented

Number of Years: 8



Space Day

Role and Function: Created, wrote, and implemented Design Challenges in conjunction with Space Day events

Number of Years: 4


Space Day


National Gallery for America's Young Artists™ Designed, Created, Administered & Judged 1 Year to Date
Rubber Band Contest, sponsored by the University of Akron, ACS, and the Akron Global Polymer Academy Designed, Created, Administered and Provided Semi-Finalist Judging 3 Years
Duracell/NSTA Invention Challenge Designed & Annually Updated Challenge Booklet Yearly Convention Representative National Quarterly Presentations 18 Years
Erden Eruc's Circumnavigation Designed, Created, Administered & Judged 1 Year
Menches Hamburger Challenge Designed, Organized & Implemented the competition portion of this event with The Burton Morgan Foundation for "Destination College" students. 1 Year
Energizer for Innovation Program Collaborated on the Design & Organization, Administered & Taught the Program 1 Year
Toyota Tapestry Teacher Awards National Judge 15 Years
Universal Studios Orlando, Jimmy Neutron's NickToon Blast "Generation Genius" Inventor Contest Designed & Created the Contest, Wrote the Rules & Regulations, Administered, Semi-Finalist Judging 1 Year
"Great American Inventor Series: I Know I Can Fly", by award-winning playwright Duncan Othen Created & Developed the Fundraiser, Wrote the One Act Play  
NSF (National Science Foundation) STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering & Math) Workshops & Entrepreneurial Training with the University of Akron Supervisors for Middle School Program 1 Year
Biz Camp - NFTE (National Foundation for Teaching Entrepreneurship) Designed & Taught the Innovation Portion of the Program 2 Years
Teacher Ideas for a Better America™ Designed, Created, Administered & Judged 15 Years
NIH (National Institute of Health) Middle School Curriculum on High Blood Pressure Advisor & Consultant for National Focus Group 1 Year
National Frey Science Contest Designed, Wrote & Judged 2 Years
Odyssey of the Mind™ Coach Judge, Regional Director, State President, & Annually Collaborated 16 Years
Seiko Youth Challenge National Judge, Collaborator on Rule Development 4 Years
KidVention (TGIF) Toy and Game Industry Foundation Collaborated on the Rules & Regulations 1 Year
Sears/Craftsman NSTA Young Inventors Competition Designed & Created the Competition, Wrote & Edited the Teachers' Guide 8 Years
Freida J. Riley Teacher Award™ Program Designed, Organized, Administered & Judged 7 Years
Christopher Columbus Middle School Community Awards National Semi-final Judge 4 Years
Toshiba/NSTA ExploraVision Awards Program National Semi-final Judge 1 Year
Sonny Sneed Young Entrepreneur Award Designed, Organized. Implemented and Judged 11 years to current

